8 Movies I’m Watching During This Spooky Season

8 Movies I'm Watching During This Spooky Season

Spooky Season is upon us folks! It’s my favorite month and I can’t wait to read spooky books or watch movies. I have lots of favorite spooky and scary movies but then it dawned on me that I haven’t watched some of the classics or more talked about movies. Which is why I’ll be watching these 8 movies this month rather than re-watching the Scream franchise over and over again. 😆

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1/ The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

2/ Addams Family Values (1993)

3/ The Blair Witch Project (1999)

4/ The Others (2001)

5/ Teeth (2007)

6/ What We Do in the Shadows (2014)

7/ Raw (2016)

8/ The Endless (2018)


What’s your favorite scary movie?


10 thoughts on “8 Movies I’m Watching During This Spooky Season

  1. Oooh, great list! I’m planning on watching It, part 1 and 2. And also I’m currently reading «Cell» by Stephen King and it has a movie adaptation that I’d love to watch once I finish the book.
    We are also watching Black Mirror season 5 (it’s not as creepy as it used to be…)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. OMG Teeth haha I haven’t seen that in so long but it’s hilarious. The concept is just o.0 lol Also, Raw was an interesting one! I quite liked the ending. I’m not sure what I will be watching. I’m sure we’ll watch Halloween at some point, and Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street. Sinister is a good one to watch, if you want a recommendation 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Glad to see you enjoyed them! I’m particularly interested in watch Raw. I have heard a lot of crazy reaction about it. I’ve never watch Halloween 😅 heheh but I want to tho! Do I need to watch all of the old one to understand the newer ones?


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